5 Tips to speed up your Showit Website

Why is it important to speed up your Showit website?

Your website has 3 seconds to load

Yes, you read that correctly, that’s why it’s important to speed up your Showit website.
On desktop, you have 3 seconds, on mobile that number drops to 1.5 seconds. Any longer than that and half of your audience is clicking the back button and going to another website. What can you do to increase your load time and speed up your Showit website:

Speed up your Showit Website: Don’t have too many redirects on your site.

When you add redirection to your website, it takes the server time to do this. It may be only a few fractions of a second, but if you have several redirects it could add up to seconds of extra time your viewers have to wait. The point is some won’t wait!

Speed up your Showit Website: Think Mobile-first.

The mobile index first because most of your users are viewing your website on their mobile device. First make sure that your website is properly optimized for all mobile devices, then worry about desktop.

Speed up your Showit Website: Make sure your photos are optimized before you upload them to your website or blog.

Don’t post giant images on your website or blog. As photographers we always feel we need to post the best quality photo on our website, we want to should clients we can deliver beautiful photos. The issue is these high quality photos are huge and take forever to load, now imagine you have 10-15 of them on one page. Bye-bye viewers.

  • Use jpg photos instead of png photos. They are smaller and the quality is just as good.
  • Don’t save your web photos at more than 72dpi, it won’t improve the quality on your website.

Speed up your Showit Website: Embed videos instead of hosting them.

Don’t hold up your website loading time for a video, let another app do that for you to save time. Video is a great way to get clients’ attention but only if it loads fast!

Speed up your Showit Website: Have your website on a good hosting platform.

Choose the right hosting company. I love working with the Showit platform, I feel it has a great server response time.

If you’re not sure if you need to speed up your Showit website I would recommend taking a speed test.
If you haven’t done it yet, go perform a speed test on your website: https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed

Free website review resource

There are many resources that are available on this topic. Some are much too technical for beginners. So I have created a free Website Review Checklist download for your website usability and SEO, which you can grab below. Also coming soon is the SEO Made Simple guide for photographers. Though it’s translated to other industries the examples are specific to photographers. Get on the mailing list to be the first to know when the guide & workbook will be released!

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 Your website has 3 seconds to load

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