Creating a Blog Strategy to get more website traffic

If you want to attract more traffic to your website, and get more leads from your ideal clients, organically you need to look at creating a Blog Strategy.

Always start with keywords

In order to target your ideal clients, you need to have a keyword strategy for your website. Doing your keyword research first will ensure that you are creating your blog strategy around keywords you want your ideal clients to find you with.

Write down your ideas

When you’re creating a blog strategy it’s great to plan ahead, so when you’re ready to create you’re ready to go. When you have ideas for blog titles, add them into WordPress and save them as drafts. This way when you’re ready to write your blog posts you have a long list of titles to choose from. If you want to take it a step further, add the keywords into Yoast SEO for each blog post too.

Get organized

Creating a system and staying organized will help you keep on track with your blog strategy. Creating a photobank so that you don’t have to create graphics and search for photos everyone time you want to write a post is a great way to stay organized.

Great a plan

Don’t just say you’re going to blog. Create a plan when you’re going to blog? How much you’re going to blog? Writing your plan down will help you stay with your blog strategy.

Create a Blog Strategy with 52 Blog Prompts

I have created a killer document to help you create your blog strategy. This document will help you create and organize your blog strategy. It also gives you 52 blog prompts you can use for your blog titles. This document is designed for wedding photographers but can be used by any type of wedding industry professional. (link coming soon!)

If you’re having trouble with the beginning stages of SEO. Like what is SEO? How do you do keyword research? Or, how do you know you’re using the correct keywords? Check out the SEO Kickstart Guide!

If you have any questions about SEO don’t hesitate to reach out to me.

You may also be interested in this SEO for Showit blog post.

52 blog title ideas

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