7 Quick things you can do to refresh your website.

Let’s face it, 2020 was a hard year! To kick off the new year on the right foot, it’s a great idea to refresh your website. I’m not talking about a re-design or anything too fancy. Just a few small quick things you should review and change (if needed) going into 2021.

7 ways to refresh your website for 2021 sign

Here are 7 quick things you can do to refresh your website and deliver big results for 2021.

#1 – Update your headshot.

A great way to refresh your website is to change your headshot every 6-9 months, that summer photo of you in the cute silver tank doesn’t resonate too well in the dead of winter. I like to change my photos in Spring and Fall, the weather isn’t too drastic so if I wait a little longer to change them it’s not an issue. But you should really start the new year with a new photo if you haven’t changed it since the summer.

#2 – Update your services.

A lot of businesses had to pivot their services in 2020, make sure your website reflects those changes. Maybe you’re offering Zoom consultations instead of meeting for coffee, you want to refresh your website so your visitors know what to expect when they contact you.

#3 – Update your portfolio.

It’s time to review your portfolio. Remove all of the photos that are no longer consistent with your branding. Also, look for photos that you’re no longer interested in shooting. Remember your portfolio should reflect the photos you want to shoot, so refresh your website portfolio to reflect the photos you want to shoot move.

#4 – Update your home page photos.

You don’t have to update all of the photos on your website, but it’s good to refresh your website’s home page photos every few months to make it look up to date to visitors returning to your website. It’s also a good time to make sure your editing is consistent on all of your photos.

#5 – Update your SEO.

It’s good practice to update your SEO every quarter. Sometimes you re-define your niche or ideal client. You want to update a keyword, or just make sure you didn’t miss anything last time you made edits. Review your meta titles, descriptions and H1 titles for every page.

#6 – Check your links.

Make sure all of your links to are working of your website. Links to your social media, your contact info, links between pages, etc. Also, check your contact form, make sure it’s gathering the correct information and it’s sending properly.

#7 – Update your call to action.

You want to have a clear call to action at the top of your website, somewhere above the fold. Make sure this call to action is clear like “Contact Us”, “Book Now”. Vague calls to action like “Learn More” will not get as many clicks as a clear call to action.

Bonus: refresh your website by updating lead magnets.

If you haven’t created a new lead magnet (or freebie), it’s a good time to do that. Checklists for the new year are a great way to get new potential clients in your email marketing list.

If you want more helpful a more in depth checklist of things you can update on your website today that will make a big impact on the number of visitors that convert to raving clients checkout this free Website Review Checklist.

You may also be interested in this post on How to Uplevel your website going into 2021, and this post on 10 things to do before you launch your Showit website.

Checklist on how to refresh your website in 2021

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