Up-level your Showit website traffic in 2020

Showit Take the opportunity before the end of 2020 to up-level your website. When working with clients I always suggest that they review their website every quarter in two areas, Website Traffic & Website Conversion.

up-level your showit website

Showit Website Traffic

You want to check if your Showit website is getting more website traffic this quarter than it was last quarter. You can keep track of these things with Google Analytics. Make sure that every month your website is getting a little more traffic. The way you get more website traffic is with SEO (Search Engine Optimization) or paid advertising on Google or Social Media that lead directly to your website.

Website Conversion

Check how much of the Showit website traffic going is converting to leads or sales. Good quality SEO is great for getting new potential clients to your website. However, if your website isn’t set up to convert that traffic; then no amount of SEO or paid ads are going to get you more sales and more leads.

So what can you do to get more leads?

  1. Review your Website & SEO.
    Check what is working, and what’s not working. Use the Website + SEO Checklist to walk through your website and see what’s missing
    Get the free Website + SEO Checklist.
  2. Setup a solid SEO foundation.
    You don’t have to go into advanced SEO Strategies right away. All you need is a good foundation with your Showit website to get you started. Have your website SEO working for you.
    Get the SEO Kickstart Guide to help understand SEO and how to add it to your Showit website.
  3. Test your site for conversion.
    How many clicks does it take for your potential client to get from your home page to your contact form or the shopping cart. More than 3 clicks then you’ve probably already lost them. Doing a website review or a Showit website coaching session is the best way to ensure that your website conversion is optimized.

Showit website Black Friday 2020 promotion

Black Friday is coming up I thought it would be fitting to do a promotion to help you up-level your Showit website and get more bookings for 2021.

Use code BlackFriday20 to get 50% off the SEO Kickstart Guide, Venue Pages Guide, or the new Fill in the Blank SEO for Beginners.

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