What I learned from Jasmine Star to get more bookings

As I’m writing this today, Jasmine Star launched a new podcast about how to Maximize Your Content Creation Time (you can listen to the podcast on iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, and Stitcher.) I had the privilege of being one of the guests on this Social Curator Coaching Session episode.  I have been following Jasmine Star’s career since she was a wedding photographer, since I was a wedding photographer. Her beautiful photos, tenacious personality and ability to capture an audience in an authentic way were something that I always admired.

The Jasmine Start Show

My push to transition

I had been a wedding photographer for over 8 years when I knew it was my time to transition my career into something else. I wanted to go back to website design, but the fear of change, not knowing if the design world would take me seriously after a 10-year hiatus was getting the best of me. Around this time, in early 2018 I noticed a shift in what Jasmine Star was putting out to her audience. It had heavily shifted from wedding photography, teaching about wedding photography, to how to leverage your business on Instagram and social media. I thought… If she can do it… I can do it!

The Jasmine Star Show

This is the second episode I have been in the Social Curator Coaching Session on the Jasmine Star Show. Every time I know I am going to get a dose of truth and tough love. My question to Jasmine was “What’s the best way to prep your audience for a launch so that they’re more engaged and eager to share?”.  I love this question because I think launching a website, shop or anything you’ve created properly will propel any success you will have.

My key takeaways from Jasmine Star’s coaching:

Give yourself congratulations. Whatever big thing that you have just created and you have just launched was a huge accomplishment. Applaud yourself.

Give yourself time for rest. This thing that you have just created probably took up a lot of your time and headspace, so take the time to rest and clear your head before you move forward to the next steps.

Tribe Support. Put yourself out there and build tribe support.

Specifically, in my case, I was talking about the launch of my Showit Template Shop, and Jasmine recommended that I go on more podcasts to talk about how my Showit Templates can help create an authentic brand online.

Easier said than done, right?

Her recommendation was to show the podcast hosts how my Showit template can help them create a professional-looking landing page for their podcast using one of my templates. (Great idea because then the host gets to see firsthand what my templates are like). Then offer a template (or three) to giveaway to their audience. (Again a great way to get my templates in the hands of their audience). So I am spending the next week creating a media kit and talking points to pitch myself to my favourite podcasts. I’ll be researching and listening to tons of other podcasts that were recommended within my community.

How can this help you with your website launch?

The biggest takeaway you can get from my guests on The Jasmine Star Podcast Episode is that when you’re launching your new website is to create a plan, and build a community that can support you and help you create magnetic energy around your launch. Creating a team that will help you reach a wider audience that may be outside of your current scope or network is going to help you launch more successfully.

I’d love to know what your favourite Podcast is? Let me know

Helpful Resources for you:


The Jasmine Star Podcast

Shop Tonic Website Templates

Tonic has my absolutely favorite templates in the game – their websites somehow combine killer strategy AND stunning, standout design. You're going to feel so confident in your new site!