Website Review: Launch your website with confidence

When you have a Website Review done you can launch your DIY Website with confidence.

The wonderful thing about the Showit Platform is that anyone can purchase a pre-designed template, and DIY a website to fit their business and their brand. If you haven’t designed a website before it’s a good idea to have your website looked over before you launch. You want to make sure that your website doesn’t have any obvious errors. Does it look right on desktop and mobile? You want to make sure you are covering your basics for Search Engine Optimization (SEO). A website review will do just that for you.  There are two types of website reviews that I offer. A design review and an SEO review.

Showit website review

Design Review

The Design Website Review will go over your user experience and the overall look of your website.

  • What does your about page look like
  • Are your fonts and colours consistent
  • Are your photos consistent
  • Do you have proper calls to action
  • Are all of your links working?
  • Are you guiding your clients through your website with ease
  • Just to name a few…

SEO Review

The SEO Website Review will go over the basic things that you can do on your website to ensure that Google can find your site.

  • Do you have proper titles
  • Are you using proper keywords
  • Are you using your keywords properly
  • What is your description
  • Are you using Yoast SEO on your blog
  • Just to name a few…


Website reviews are not just for when you’re launching a new site. They are also great if you have a website that is not generating leads like it used to, or never has. If you have a website that doesn’t show up on Google among your competitors. You have received comments that things aren’t working properly on your website. A website review will give you a to do list of edits to make on your website, or it’ll tell you that your website is kick ass and ready to be a lead generating machine!

Contact me for more information about having your website reviewed >

Showit website designer and client


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