The Dancing Brand Photographer

I have recently been dubbed the dancing brand photographer by one of my vendors. Once our brand shoot gets going there are going to be some tunes.  There is going to be some dancing happening to get the client in the mood for their brand session. The clients I work with enjoy a light-hearted and fun experience. The best photos on social media are ones that show more of your personality and less of the blazer. Even for the more professional services clients, we need to lighten the mood between shots, we do not want to make the experience too serious! Because that’s just not fun!

I have a couple of playlists that depending on my client I will play. Halfway through a song, I may realize that it’s not entirely professional to have the song playing but by then it’s too late and we’re all singing along to “Baby got Back”.  My boys love helping me put together playlists and we have dance parties at least a few times a week, while we’re trying to find the next best songs to play during my brand sessions.

This is one of the favourite Brand Photographer playlists we’ve made to date.

brand photographer playlist


I am a major 80s child, so there will be lots of 80s and 90s music going on. There will be some singing, because yes I know all the words. It takes up most of my brain space. There will also be some dancing. I don’t promise that the dancing will be any good. I’m not the profession dancer brand photographer. Quite the opposite, when I hear my jam, oh the old 80 dance moves are coming out!

one hit wonder playlist

I’m always on the lookout for a new playlist, so feel free to leave some fresh tune suggestions for the dancing brand photographer. I do love some classic rock, 80s pop songs, and the occasional boy band. What’s your favourite thing to rock out to during work?

my favourite playlist

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