When you think of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) you think about the keywords that you want potential brides to find you with when they’re doing a google search. What if I told you there was a way to have your ideal brides find you before they even know they are looking for you?
Get in front of them when they first start their wedding planning. Brides start their wedding planning in a pattern. They want to set a date first so they will start to look for wedding venue’s first. Getting in front of brides in a helpful, informative way and helping them find information about the venues that they’re looking for is a great way to build trust with potential brides.
Creating quality content about the venues you want to work at will get you in front of the brides you want to book. There are two ways you can do this on your website.
1. Blog about your favourite venues. Create a blog page about each of your favourite venues.
2. Venue pages on your website. Create a favourite venue section on your website, one click off the home page. Then create one new page for each venue you want to optimize for. I’ve included an example below.
You can talk about things like:
Where do you relevant the venue information?
There are a few ways to get venue information. Of course if you’ve already worked at the venue you will know some of the information first hand, like the best time of year to get married there. Some information you’ll be able to find on the venue, such as how many people can fit. You can also send the venue coordinator an “interview” questionnaire, and let them know you’ll be doing a feature post on their venue on your blog and you’d love to get some more information you can include for your brides. The venues will love to share information with you to share with your brides.
How to convert these brides to leads?
At the bottom of your page or blog post, make sure to tell brides that they’re welcome to contact you if they have any questions about the venue. Adding a contact form at the bottom is a great way to do this. You will also have their contact info so you can follow up with them to see if they have booked, and if they have a photographer!
The SEO part.
Build your SEO for these venue blog posts and pages for the keywords “venue name wedding”. For example: “Hatley Castle Wedding” or “Redwoods Golf Club Wedding”. With time these posts will start showing up when the bride searches for the venue on google. Popping up in their search feed when they are looking for wedding venues will build credibility, they will look at your photos to see if they like the venue. When they book one of those venues, they will remember that they already saw a photographer that has shot there. You’re now one step ahead.
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