Why is a Long Home Page better for SEO?

Have you been wondering what is better for your SEO? A short or long home page?

For a number of reasons, which I will address in this post, the answer is Yes, a long home page is better for your SEO and for client usability.

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Why is a long home page better?

  • You can add a lot more content to your page if it is longer. Plus the design look cleaner and not as crowded.
  • Google links give websites with more relevant content better positioning in search results. If you have good relevant content on your home page, it’s bound to perform better.
  • Most social media apps require users to scroll through posts.  So users are used to scrolling to get the information they need. Having a longer homepage with calls to action to the rest of your site will help these scrollers get the info they need.
  • For the select users that still like to get all of their info on one page. Make sure your “above the fold” part of your site has a clear message and a call to action.

How should I organize my content?

  • Keep in mind that your users are not going to want to read paragraphs of content on your website.  Spreading out your content into sections is a good idea.
  • You want to use Titles, headings and subheadings on all of your headings. This will make it easier for users to skim and glance through your website.
  • Creating different sections, like a in depth navigation down the page, with calls to action to the other pages of your site is a great way to break up your home page.
  • You want a minimum of 350 words to appear on your home page, and a minimum of 500 words on a blog post.
  • Visually, make sure to use lots of great images to support your content.

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