It’s been a busy summer

So I have to apologize for being completely MIA for the last couple of months on the blog. It’s been an insane summer with weddings and couples; but it has also been a crazy busy September in our family.

I am so excited to have worked with so many amazing couples and families over the summer, I met hundreds of wedding guests, taken thousands of photographs and am still in the middle of going through it all and editing them! I’m really not complaining because I really love every part of the wedding process. What really sucks is that right at the tail end of the wedding season we have back to school and this year my boys were going into Grade 2 and Kindergarten, so it’s been a huge transition for our family.

Why I’m sad…

My baby went to Kindergarten! I am having a lot of mommy guilt, did I spend enough time with my boys during the summer, am I working too much and now they’re in school full time. I miss them both during the day!

Why I’m happy…

I finally have time to start on all of those projects I’ve been thinking about for months and even years. I’ve been wanting to create a How to Guide for photographer about styled shoots and bridal sessions. I’ve been wanting to reorganize my office, to create new sample books. To actually working during normal business hours instead of in the middle of the night and get to hang out with my husband and watch a movie when the kids go to bed!

I have realized that the Pro’s definitely outweigh the Con’s of kids going to school… but you know… mom guilt.

I promise that as the weeks go forward you will see more amazing content about the weddings I did this summer, about wedding planning, timelines and engagement and family sessions I’ll be doing in the upcoming weeks and months. There will be some amazing new content and photographs. PROMISE!

Happy to be back!

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