Website & SEO Checklist: Updated for 2022

It’s a new year and you’re ready to take make sure that your website is going to perform when you need it to while you hustle your way through 2022. I have also created some updates for the new year including an updated version of the Website & SEO Checklist. This checklist can be used for any website (Showit, WordPress, Squarespace, Wix) and can be used in any industry. The website conversion strategy and SEO standard principles are the same no matter what your business is and or where you’re located.

website checklist

A few updated tips for a better converting website in 2022.

→ Keep your message clear: Too often I see photographers and wedding planners use industry marketing terms on their websites. Although these terms paint a beautiful picture, it doesn’t give your audience a clear idea of what pain point your services can solve. At the end of the day, your website visitors want to know. What you do + How your services will help them.

→ Have a call to action above the fold on your home page: You need to have a direct call to action to tell your visitors what you want them to do next, or what steps they need to take to be able to hire you. Don’t make this part complicated, your website isn’t a scavenger hunt.

→ Clearly display your service area: If you are a local business (even if you travel worldwide), you need to display your service area clearly on your home page. Not only will you attract more local organic SEO this way, but you will also set a better expectation for your visitors. They will know whether you are local to their area or if you’re going to have to travel to complete a service.

→ Spelling mistakes: There is nothing more unprofessional than having a spelling mistake on your website. There are so many options for correcting spelling and grammar these days, there is little excuse. Take a few minutes, copy your content into a Google Doc and run it through Grammarly.

→ Broken Links: Ok there is one thing worse than spelling errors… broken links. Test your website out, click all of the links make sure they’re leading your visitor through the experience you set out for them. You can also run your website through a broken link checker. If you have Google Analytics installed (which I highly recommend), it will show broken links there as well.

These are just 5 mistakes you could be making on your website. Download the Website & SEO Checklist to get the complete list.


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