Step-By-Step Guide To Customizing Your Showit Website Template For Maximum Brand Recognition

How to customize your Showit Website Template.

Whether you’re setting up a new online presence for your business or revamping your existing website, Showit offers an easy-to-use and powerful platform to customize your website template. This article is a step-by-step guide on how to customize the Showit website template for maximum brand recognition. Learn how to make sure that your website looks unique and stands out from the competition!

Introduction to Showit Website Templates

If you’re planning to launch a new website or give your existing site a facelift, you may be considering using a Showit website template. Showit is a popular platform for creating beautiful, responsive websites that look great on all devices.

One of the benefits of using a Showit template is that they are easy to customize to match your brand’s style and color scheme. In this article, we’ll give you a step-by-step guide to customizing your Showit website template for maximum brand recognition.

Step-by-Step Guide to Customizing a Showit Template for Maximum Brand Recognition

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of customizing a Showit template for maximum brand recognition. We’ll cover everything from choosing the right template to editing the design elements to ensure that your site truly represents your unique brand.

So, let’s get started!

Step 1: Choose a template that matches your branding

The first step in customizing a Showit template for your brand is to choose a template that looks like with a few adjustments it can be made to look like it perfectly fits your brand. This may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s actually really important. After all, if you start with a template that doesn’t fit your brand at all, you’ll just end up wasting time trying to make it work.

Another thing to consider is the functionality of the template. You want to make sure that the template you choose has all the features and functionality that you need for your website. For example, if you plan on selling products on your website, you’ll want to make sure that the template you choose has eCommerce functionality built in.

Fortunately, Showit has a ton of great templates to choose from, so you’re sure to find one that is a good fit for your brand. Just take some time to browse through their selection and see which ones catch your eye. Once you have a few options in mind, take some time to really evaluate the functionality of each template. It’s a lot easier to change the look and esthetics of a template than it is to restructure it adding pages and removing large sections.

How to install your Showit template.

First pick a Showit template that you love from my shop of the Showit template shop. Once purchased you will be given a unique SHARE KEY.

Log in to your Showit account and click “add to library”, you will be asked for this share key. Once it’s added to your library you can start a new website design with this template.

Click “Start new design” – and select the template you want to use for your site. Then, click on the “Customize” button in the upper right corner of the screen.

Step 2: Customize the colors and fonts

Once you’ve chosen a template that fits your brand, the next step is to customize the colors and fonts. You can add your brand colours and fonts right into Showit and it will change it in the entire template.

If you do not have a brand board then there are a few things to consider. 1) Stop and create a brand board, it will be a lot easier to create a cohesive website if you have brand guidelines to follow 2) This part of the process is really important because it’s what will make your site stand out from others. In addition to choosing colors and fonts that fit your brand, you should also pay attention to how they work together. Different combinations can have different effects, so make sure you take some time to experiment with different options before settling on one.

Showit makes it easy to customize these elements with their built-in tools. You can adjust everything from individual colors and font sizes to entire color palettes. Just remember to keep all of your changes consistent throughout the site for a cohesive look.

How to Customize Colors and Fonts

One of the great things about Showit is that it’s easy to customize colors and fonts to match your brand. Here’s a step-by-step guide to doing just that:

1. Log in to your Showit account and select the “Design” tab.

2. Click on the “Colors” or “Fonts” option in the left sidebar.

3. Use the color picker or font selector to choose the colors or fonts you want to use for your website.

4. Save your changes and preview your website to see how it looks with your new colors and fonts!

Step 3: Edit images and graphics

The third step in customizing a Showit template for maximum brand recognition is editing images and graphics. This includes not only photos but also logos, icons, illustrations, etc. Make sure to re-name and re-size your photos before uploading them into Showit, you cannot make these changes once the photos are uploaded. Doing this will help your website with SEO.

Adding Your Logo and Visual Content

Your website’s logo is one of the first things visitors will see when they land on your site, so it’s important to make sure it’s high-quality and on-brand. If you don’t have a logo yet, now is the time to create one! Once you have your logo ready to go, you can upload it to your Showit account and add it to your website template.

In addition to your logo, adding other visual content such as photos, videos, and graphics can help make your website more engaging and visually appealing. When selecting visuals for your site, be sure to choose ones that are high-quality and on-brand with your business. You can upload visuals to Showit directly from your computer.

Once you’ve added all of your desired visuals, be sure to spend some time rearranging them until you’re happy with how everything looks. And that’s it! 

Step 4: Adding Navigation and Pages

Adding navigation and pages to your Showit website template is a great way to ensure that visitors can easily find their way around your site. Here are a few tips for adding navigation and pages to your Showit website:

1. Add a navigation bar: A navigation bar is a great way to help visitors navigate your site. You can add a navigation bar to your Showit website by going to the “Design” tab and selecting “Add Navigation Bar.”

2. Add pages: Adding pages to your Showit website is a great way to provide more information for visitors. You can add pages by going to the “Content” tab and selecting “Add Page.”

3. Customize your pages: Once you’ve added pages to your Showit website, you can customize them to match your brand identity. To customize a page, simply click on it in the “Content” tab and then select “Edit.” From here, you can change the page’s title, URL, and content.

Step 5: Add content

The fourth step in customizing a Showit template is adding content. This includes both written and visual content such as photos, videos, and more. When it comes to writing content for your website, make sure that it reflects your brand’s voice and values. As far as visuals go, be sure they’re high-quality and relevant to your brand.

When adding content to your site, don’t forget to use keywords! This will help search engines like Google find your website more easily and make it easier for potential customers to find you online as well. To learn more about SEO checkout the SEO Kickstart Guide.

Step 6: Test everything out

Finally, when you finished customizing a Showit template, it’s time to test everything out. Make sure all of your links are working properly and that your content looks good on both desktop and mobile devices. You should also double-check that all of your pages are loading quickly and that there aren’t any glaring errors or typos. You can preview your changes by clicking on the “Preview” button in the top right-hand corner of the Showit builder. This will allow you to see how your changes look on different devices and make sure everything is working properly.

Once you’ve taken the time to thoroughly test your website, you can finally launch it with confidence!

Extras: Automation, SEO, Security, and More

To make sure your Showit website is fully optimized for search engine ranking and brand recognition, there are a few final touches you should consider adding. Automation can help streamline your website maintenance and keep your content fresh, while SEO can help ensure that your site is visible to potential customers.

Adding automation to your Showit website is a great way to keep your content fresh and up-to-date. There are a number of WordPress plugins and tools available that can help you automate tasks like blog post scheduling, social media sharing, and email marketing. Adding automation can help free up your time so that you can focus on other aspects of running your business.

SEO (search engine optimization) is another important consideration for customizing your Showit website. Making sure your site is properly optimized for search engines will help ensure that potential customers can find you when they are searching for businesses like yours. There are a number of SEO plugins (like Yoast SEO) and tools available that can help you with optimizing your site for better search engine ranking.

That’s it; let’s customize that Showit template!

I hope this step-by-step guide has shed some light on how to customize your Showit website template for maximum brand recognition. Whether a beginner or an experienced designer, customizing your website is now easier than ever with the help of Showit and its user-friendly drag-and-drop design tools. With just a few clicks, you can create a unique and visually stunning online presence that will set you apart from the competition and draw in more customers!

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Shop Tonic Website Templates

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