Showit Tips, Website Tips

3 Key Areas To Freshen Up Your Photography Website: Website Audit Checklist for 2023

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With 2023 well underway, it’s time to start looking ahead at what you can do to freshen up your website for the new year. In this article, we’ll cover three key areas to audit on your website and give it a much-needed refresh for 2023. Learn how to make sure your Showit website is optimized for search engines and start driving more traffic in no time!

What is a Website Audit

A website audit is a process in which a website is evaluated for its effectiveness in achieving its goals. The audit can be performed by an external party or by the website owner themselves. There are many factors to consider when conducting a website audit, but some key areas to focus on include:

  • site’s overall design and user experience
  • quality and quantity of content
  • site’s performance and speed
  • SEO and search engine visibility
  • compliance with web standards and accessibility guidelines

By taking the time to perform a regular website audit, you can ensure that your site is continuously operating at its best and achieving its desired results.

What to Audit on your Blog

A blog audit is a comprehensive review of your posts. Looking at everything from the design to the user experience to the optimization.

There are a lot of different factors that go into a good blog. Here are some key areas to focus on when you’re doing a blog audit:

Design: Is your website’s design fresh and up-to-date? Or does it look like it’s from another era?

User experience: Is your blog easy to use and navigate? Or do users get frustrated and give up before they can find what they’re looking for?

Optimization: Are you thinking about SEO when writing your blog posts. Do you have Yoast SEO Installed and are you using it for every post. Are you optimizing your photos before uploading them to your blog.

These are just a few of the things that you should look at when you’re doing a website audit. By taking the time to freshen up your website. You’ll ensure that it continues to perform well and meet the needs of your users.

How do Audit your SEO

SEO, or search engine optimization, is the process of optimizing your website for Google search. This includes things like keyword research, title tags, and meta descriptions. Improving your SEO can help you rank higher in Google search results, which will drive more traffic to your website.

Analytics is the process of tracking and analyzing data about your website visitors. This data can be used to improve your website design, content, and user experience. It can also help you track your marketing campaigns and see which ones are most effective at driving traffic to your site.

By conducting an SEO audit, you can identify areas of improvement for your website and make the necessary changes to ensure that your site is visible to your target audience.

Ready to Audit your website?

A website audit is an important part of keeping your website up-to-date and ensuring that it meets the needs of current customers as well as potential future customers. We have highlighted three key areas to freshen up on your website for a successful 2023 – content, design and SEO. By taking these steps now, you can ensure that your website is ready for the new year ahead and gives you the best possible chance at achieving success in this digital age. For a more comprehensive look at your website, download the updated WEBSITE & SEO AUDIT CHECKLIST.

website audit checklist

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