FREE Resources to help you up-level your brand today.

This page has a collection of free resources that I've created for clients through out the years. These resources will help you clarify your message, elevate your brand and create a more profitable photography business.

Website & SEO Audit Checklist

This Website & SEO Audit Checklist will help you identify the problem areas of your Showit website. At the end you will be able to create a plan of what tasks you need to do to create an awesome website that converts more of your website visitors into paying clients.

is your website ready for the new year?

I see so many entrepreneurs struggle to define and price their offers. That stops here! My Ultimate Price-Your-Offer Calculator is an interactive worksheet designed to help you get crystal-clear on your income goals, and determine exactly how much you need to charge for each of your offers to get there. Grab yours today! 

The Ultimate
Price-Your-Offer Calculator

Does your services page need some direction?