Showit vs Wix: Which Website Builder is Better for Your Business?

An easy-to-navigate website that catches the attention of your target audience is key for all business owners. However, an aesthetically pleasing and eye-catching website is even more important for wedding planners and wedding photographers because your ideal client is looking for style. Let’s compare Showit vs Wix to discover which website builder is best for your business.

What Showit and Wix Both Do Well

No two website builders are the same, but in the case of Showit vs Wix, there are some similarities that we love on both platforms.

They Both Host Your Website

Both Showit and Wix act as website builders and website hosts. Believe it or not, some website builders do not host your site as well which can cause confusion and frustration to new business owners. Luckily, these two sites share that glorious feature.

Easy-to-Use Platform

Both website builders have drag-and-drop capabilities making it easy for users to customize designs how they see fit. You can even customize the mobile and desktop versions of your site individually. While both Showit and Wix are easily customizable, you will find that Showit website designs more professional-looking, higher-end and offer a better variety when it comes to platform layout, usability, and continuous updates. Making Showit the better option for creative businesses like photographers and wedding planners.

Differences When Comparing Showit vs Wix

Although both sites are considered website builders and hosts, they actually have more differences than similarities. There are places in which Wix wears the crown and places where Showit reigns superior.

E-Commerce Functions

Perhaps the greatest perk Wix has over Showit is its built-in e-commerce capabilities. Wix’s native e-commerce tool makes it quick and easy to set up an online storefront for both physical and digital products. The downside? If you don’t like the set-up of the Wix e-commerce tool, oh well. There is no other option for generating sales through your Wix site other than their built-in tool.

Showit does not have a native e-commerce tool, but that does not mean you can’t make sales on your site. Instead, Showit is compatible with many other e-commerce tools you may already be familiar with including ShopifyLite and WooCommerce. You can integrate your favorite e-commerce tools with your new favorite website builder, Showit, instead of learning a new tool.

Creative Freedom

There is quite a difference in creative freedom and customization ability between Showit vs Wix. Some business owners, like Realtors or tax advisors, prefer the structure that Wix templates have to offer because they are less worried about appearance and more focused on the facts. They don’t want to spend too much time designing their website, so Wix works well for them in that way.

Wedding planners and photographers are more creative by nature and by practice. Showit website designs grant you the creative freedom to customize the templates as much or as little as you’d like. Since Showit was designed for creative professionals, templates designed for the Showit platform tend to be targeted towards photographers and wedding industry experts.

SEO Capabilities

Unfortunately for Wix, they have continuously struggled with SEO capabilities since they hit the market in 2006. While there have been incredible improvements in the last decade, they simply cannot compare to Showit when it comes to SEO. What makes Showit so good at SEO is the integration with WordPress. Your Showit site has access to the best WordPress plugins including Yoast and SEOPress. In the case of Showit vs Wix, there is an obvious winner in the SEO game.

How You Blog

As we mentioned above, Showit is integrated with WordPress, arguably the most well-known blogging platform these days. Your wedding planner blog will be hosted through WordPress and utilize all the tools and plugins WordPress has to offer. Of course, Wix has their own built-in blogging tools but they simply cannot compare to the capabilities of WordPress.

Wedding Planners and Photographers Choose Showit

After comparing Showit vs Wix, we highly recommend Showit websites for wedding planners and wedding photographers. Showit was made for creatives who want beautiful, functional websites to run their business. Overall, Showit is more customizable, has better SEO capabilities, and will ultimately help you reach more clients than Wix.

Many brides-to-be who are looking for your services are looking for beauty, charm, and professionalism. They want their wedding to be perfect and they are counting on you to make it so. The first step in gaining their trust and admiration is a website that looks professional and gorgeous all at once. Showit will help wedding planners like you create the website you need.

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