Launching Your Recovery Plan

The pandemic has changed the way a lot of small businesses do business. A lot of businesses are trying to offer online selling capabilities to their websites, and if you’re one of the lucky businesses in BC to have been granted a Small Business Recovery Grant or BC Launch Online Grant, you’re probably moving parts of your business online. This post is going to talk about the ways you can use your grant and launch your recovery plan online.

launching your recovery plan

Here are a few for launching your recovery plan:


This is an opportunity for you to reevaluate your small business branding. If you are shifting your business does your branding also need to shift to reflect the new demographic or ideal client you will be selling to?


If you’re planning on moving your business online, selling products, offering online scheduling for services for example. This is a great opportunity to redesign your website with more strategy. Redesigning your website is a must if you are also planning to elevate your branding. You can of course adjust your current website to accommodate for the new functionality, but it’s important to audit the current website first. You want to make sure your website is doing what it needs to do and that you are not just putting on a band-aide with new functionality and continue to have a website that isn’t converting website visitors into paid clients.

Search Engine Optimization

If you are worried that your current website or new website isn’t getting found online, I would recommend having an SEO audit done on your website. This should tell you what you need to adjust and how to optimize your website to attract more traffic from your ideal clients. You can also create a strategy for blogging and social media.

Social Media

Social media is ever-changing and it’s sometimes hard to keep up. You can use the grant to help you one-up your game in this area. Whether it’s taking an online course to learn how to better use social media to sell, signing up for new software to help you batch social media or hiring a social media manager to completely outsource your posts. This is a great way to attract new traffic to your website.

designer sitting with client looking at website

If you are looking for a BC Based business to help you get your business online I can help! Let me introduce myself…

I’m Joanna 👋🏻  I am a website designer & strategist. My goal is to give clients clarity through strategic website design and clear messaging. I will help your business not only get online but flourish online. Your new branding and website will tell a story, that speaks clearly to your ideal client.  And, I promise the creative process is going to be fun and educational!

If you have any questions about getting your business online or elevating your brand/ website and launching your recovery plan, drop me a line and I’m happy to help!

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