How using the StoryBrand Framework will improve your website copy to convert more website visitors

Become a website copy magician with the StoryBrand Framework.

When Bonny Tyler sang, “I need a Hero,” she created more than an iconic song. She tapped into a desire that is millennia old. We all need a hero at times. But more often, we want to be that hero.

You’re not the Hero, You’re the Guide

So what has heroism got to do with website copy? I’ll tell you: It’s all about creating the vision that your website visitor wants to see.

Newsflash! They don’t want to see you as the hero. They want to be the hero themselves. And what’s more, they want you to help them achieve it.

You or your brand are Gandalf, Yoda, and Dumbledore all rolled into one. And just like all mystical mentors, you hold the magic formula to your potential client’s success. While the StoryBrand Framework may not be magical, it is an incredibly powerful tool for creating compelling website copy.

The StoryBrand Secret

The StoryBrand Framework is based on Donald Miler’s book, “Building a StoryBrand.” It conveys a simple but effective message: pivot your brand from “We’re the best!” to “You’ll be the best!” The caveat is that the client only gets to be the best with your help. It’s not a new idea although Miller has molded the message into an effective marketing tool. The zero to hero idea goes back to ancient myths and legends. It’s the inspiring message that no matter what difficulties life throws at us someone will help us overcome our problems to be our best selves.

That person is going to be you.

Helping You be a Brilliant StoryBrander

You want to gain and retain clients. Your website is your storefront and your website copy is your advertising. So using a StoryBrand website framework is a great way to make sure your clients see you as their method of success. In turn you’ll land more clients and you’ll be the hero of your own story.

Kyle’s Story

Let’s look at Kyle Shultz as an example of what photographers can achieve by using a StoryBrand template. In Donald Miller’s book, Kyle’s story is an inspiring one. Kyle rolled out a course to show parents how to take better photos of their kids. He called it: “The Power of Photography in the Hands of Parents.” It sounds great, doesn’t it? Well, yeah, but with StoryBrand it got a whole lot better. Take a look at the figures:

Kyle launched his course and got a $28,000 revenue. After using the StoryBrand Framework, he launched again (to the same email list) and got a return of $103,000. Those numbers don’t lie.

What did he do? He changed his copy to be client centered. The new course title was explains it: “We Help Parents Take Better Pics”. You see? The first title had a powerful message but the second made the parents “better” and Kyle offered “help” to make this happen. Genius.

Why We All Need A Guide

It seems a staggering figure but the average consumer will see approximately 3,000 commercial messages a day. And guess what? They’re mostly ignored. I want to help you create better website copy. If you’re a photographer who wants a shortcut to creating your own client stories, you’ll find my templates here.

If you’d like to consistently create better copy for your website then I’ve created a Copywriting Blueprint Document. This template can help you be a brilliant guide for your clients through your copy. The Blueprint has been carefully crafted for photographers’ websites and includes prompts and examples to pivot your message and make your words pop. It’s based on the StoryBrand framework to help you be the guiding light for your clients in no time and all the time.

Visualize The Client’s Dream

At heart the StoryBrand framework is based on a simple and ancient story arc. And I know I’ve said it before, but that’s not your story. They don’t want to know how great you are. They want to know how great you’ll make them look. Here’s their story arc.

  • Start seeing your client as the hero
  • Your hero has a goal but there are obstacles in their path
  • You are going to show them how they overcome those obstacles
  • With you at their side, they get their goal

As you can see, it’s not a message that’s in every fairy tale, every bestseller, every blockbuster, but I bet you didn’t think you could apply it to website copy. You know now. What works for Spielberg  and Scorsese can work for you.

Guide Them to That Dream

Invite your customers into their own adventure and make sure they know they’re at the center of your process. Brides might want to look like a Disney princess or the cover model of Vogue. Give them a vision of that dream in your website copy. A business wants to be the next Meta. Give them a glimpse of themselves as a Fortune 500. A school Senior want to look like the President she’ll become. Give her a sense of that success.

Happily Ever After

When re-evaluating your website, you may need to ask yourself some hard questions. Is your website story about you or your customer? If it’s not about them, go back to the drawing board.  Storyboard ways that will make your client a hero. Then rewrite the story with them at the center. You’re in that story, too. You’re important. But make your client feel they are the ones who are going to wear the crown.

So many businesses waste money and something more valuable, time, in trying to tell their story in new and exciting ways. The trouble is, people are more interested in their own story. So help them tell it. If you need help, use my StoryBrand-style website templates to guide you through that process or download my Copywriting Blueprint Document to help you on your hero quest.

If your website copy can give clients a dream of something better, they’ll remember that YOU are the best person to guide them to their happily ever after.

Grab your copy of the Copywriting Blueprint Document Today!

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