Full Circle and a New Chapter

I know the title of this post is a little cryptic.

Full Circle.

I feel that no matter what you do in life your desire to love what you do will bring you back to it over and over again. Sometimes we’re not ready to take control when it does come across our path, and then one day it does.

Website design for photographers & creatives.

Vancouver website design for photographers

I love weddings and I have a great passion for photography. I love working with people during the happiest time in their lives. I’ve been photographing weddings now for 9 years! I launched my first photography business website January 21, 2009 and I was off. Since I’ve been doing the same thing for 9 years you may be wondering where the full circle I’m talking about is. Before photography came hurtling towards me and became the THING I wanted to do I was a website designer, specializing in SEO (when SEO just started being a “thing”). Throughout the years I have always done all of my own design and marketing, always tinkering with my website changing it up and making it better.

Enjoying my starbucks in Arizona

Four years ago my website got hacked, and my email address was used to send out thousands, hundreds of thousands of spam emails, and filling out my inbox with hundreds of emailed a minute. It was an absolute nightmare. First trying to figure out what happened, how it happened, stopping it and then trying to see how bad the fall out was. It was BAD. Google had blacklisted my website. It was gone. Completely unsearchable under the keywords I’ve been so carefully working on for years to get me to the first couple of pages on Google. Unless someone knew my website address, it was like my business didn’t exist. After years of working on my website, updating, blogging, social media and learning even more about social media I’ve finally reached back to page 1/2 for my keywords in Google. It is a proud moment. The hard hard work has finally paid off!

What have I learned? That even though I am focused on my photography and wedding clients, I am always brought back to my passion for design. I am excited to start working on a new project that will allow me to work on my two loves. Vancouver doesn’t see a thriving winter wedding season, so I have plenty of time to work on both and enjoy what I do all year long.

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I’ll keep you posted!!

Tempe Arizona wedding shoot

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