Creating Website Content doesn’t have to be a Nightmare

Let’s leave the nightmares for Halloween. Creating website content doesn’t have to be a nightmare. I think the biggest hangup when creating website copy is that the task seems overwhelming. “I have to write copy for my WHOLE WEBSITE”. I’m going to show you an easy way to organize your copy, then I’m going to introduce you to the content document that I share with all of my website clients.

Website copy can be easy

Where to start with website copy?

Before you start writing anything you need to create a wireframe for your website. A wireframe is a barebones drawing of what your website will look like, and where everything will fit. I like to wireframe in a dotted notebook, others like to wireframe using software like Adobe XD. If you’ve purchased a website template, the wireframe process is already done for you.  If you plan to customize your template, add or remove sections/pages, then it’s still a good idea to create a wireframe with your idea first.

Why do we start with a wireframe?

A wireframe will not only help you organize your pages and content. It will also divide it into smaller sections. This will make it less overwhelming when you’re sitting down to write your content. It will make it easier to create a plan and get you moving with your website content.

A great resource that I recommend my clients use when they are starting their copywriting process (asides from hiring a copywriter) is to grab the book Marketing Made Simple by Donald Miller. This book will help you wireframe your home page and offers samples of what to write in each section.

The next step with writing copy.

The next step with creating copy is creating a content document. I like using Google docs, it allows me to share the document with other people on my team easily. In this document, you’re going to create a heading for every section in your wireframe. You can even add notes on the type of content you want to add in each area. This way if you’re not sitting down to write all of the content at once, you will have a review/starting point when you’re ready to work on that section.

Saved the best for last!!

I saved the best piece of information for last. Over the last several months I have been working with a copywriter to add more depth to the content document that I offer to my clients when we are re-designing their website. This content document is organized for an optimized wireframe to convert website visitors into leads. It also offers recommendations on the type of content that should be in each section. For this part, you better sit down if you’re not already sitting. It also has a Fill-In-The-Blank (mad-libs style) example that you can fill in and use directly in your content!

This content document is launching in November, and will be with some awesome bonuses to those that are on my mailing list!!

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