Feature Vendor: Radiant Beauties

This week I welcome a guest post from Krista at Radiant Beauties; check out Krista’s profile at the bottom of this post!

choosing artist

1. References: read testimonials or ask friends and family if they can recommend someone they’ve had a positive experience. Make sure to ask what kind of makeup they asked for and if that’s the look they got on the day. Was it fresh and natural or full on glamour?

2. Style: What kind of makeup/hair is this artist known for? What kind of makeup/hair products do they use?

3. Rate: Expensive isn’t always the best but make sure you don’t cheap out either. There has to be a balance. Keep in mind experience when looking at the rates and compare to other artist out there.

4. Call or Meet up: If you like their style and rate the next thing to check in on is their personality. You can tell a lot about a person over the phone or in person. Connect with your potential artist over the phone and have a conversation about what your vision is for your special day.

5. Book: When you find the right artist book them right away by paying a deposit and signing a contract

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About Krista Rand…

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