A day with me… website designer mom

Are you a mompreneur?

If you want a glimpse into the glamourous life of a website designer mom, when not working on websites. This is 2014, at the time my kids are 4 & 2.

It’s not all social media and website design when you’re a mom of two toddlers.

Wake up

Wake up with a child in each arm, don’t remember how that happened. One child wants to sleep in and the other wants to eat. I attempt to go feed child one without waking child two. I stop to check my email. We play with cars, planes or trucks. Clean child one. Child two wakes up and demands food right away. Feed child two and try to down an Isagenix shake. Dress both kids and sit down for one minute before cleaning the kitchen after breakfast. Run into the living room several times to attend to screams, crashes and cries. Finish cleaning up the kitchen, and make a latte. Run back and forth from the kitchen to the living room, turn on Little Einstines and make a preschool snack. Dress kids and run out the door forgetting that I made a latte.

On our way to Preschool

Drive to preschool, walk to preschool, talk to teachers while watching child two escape from preschool. Run after child two while yelling bye to child one and have a great day. Run back to the car, praying that child will fall asleep in the car… he doesn’t. I go through the Starbucks drive-through for the latte again. Child falls asleep on the way home. Decide it’s not worth taking him out of the car and wake him so I drive home, park in the garage, grab extra snacks and my iPad and head back to preschool. Sit in the parking lot answering work emails, personal emails and poking around on Facebook. Of course, child two doesn’t wake up in time for preschool pickup so I call for them to walk child one out to the car. I’m not waking a sleeping baby!

Back home

We drive home talking about preschool and try to be quiet at the same time. After we get home, child one is hungry again, child two is still sleeping. Next, we hang out on the sofa with a snack while child two finishes his nap on me because if I put him into bed he will scream, wake up and be grumpy until the end of the day. Disney are the go-to movies and realize it’s way past wake up from nap time and tonight will be a battle to get to bed.

Yay, Daddy’s home!

We all get up and play outside in the backyard until someone gets hungry and we go inside to not eat what I serve and make something else. Daddy is home YAY! I get a few minutes to sit down before the evening activities begin. Going outside to the park, making dinner and just general chaos until bed.


The bedtime routine starts with Showers, one bedtime tv show usually Little Einstines or Jungle Junction. Book is read and hopefully, sleep.

Adult time

It’s now close to 9:30 pm and I’m thinking about all the mess I need to clean up but first we need to eat. I make dinner with me and hubby. We eat. Child two wakes up, hubby runs to put him down. I open a bottle of wine. We clean up, sit down to have a glass of wine. Child two wakes up, I run to put him back down. We both chug a glass of wine. Child two wakes up. I give up, turn off the lights, take him to bed with me and we sleep. Looks like no work tonight for this website designer mom.

This routine won’t last forever, but as a website designer mom, of two very energetic boys. This is life.

Until we got a puppy…

Joanna 4 fb

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