5 steps to perfect Gilmore Girls evening

If you have read my blog, seen my website, stalked me Facebook page (we all do it), you know I have a mild to medium addiction to Gilmore Girls. This Friday is the Gilmore Girls revival 4 part series release on Netflix and to say I am excited is to put it mildly. I have been planning out my evening to have a full 4 episode marathon uninterrupted by the kids. gilmore_girls_netflix

1. Upgrade your internet connection so when we are all on Netflix streaming the same show you don’t get disruptions! I really hope we don’t break Netflix and have to wait another few extra days to watch the episodes!

2. Tire the kids out and make a big meal they love. So there is minimal distractions during the evening making sure the kids are super tired (but not past exhausted) and full from a great meal is key. Nothing worse than being a third through an episode and one of the boys wanting me to snuggle for a half hour!


3. Prepare a platter of non-crunch snacks. Some nice cheese is a must but crackers can make you miss an important joke or limerick. A nice baguette however with a baked brie and cranberry sauce for example is a perfect snack and accompanies a wonderful glass (or bottle) of wine & scotch for the hubby.


4. Prepare the setting. Start the fireplace, have a nice cozy blanket, and of course prepare hubby for a Friday night of Gilmore Girls and snuggles.


5. Make sure everything else is done! You don’t want to start watching pre-maturely so that you’re thinking about all the things you forgot to do or need to do after watching. But you also don’t want to start too late and have the last episode start at 2am where you’re going to be so tired you may miss the last 10 minutes of the last episode. GASP

Sit.. Relax… Enjoy!

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