5 Quick Ways to Freshen Up Your Showit Website

It’s FI-NA-LLY Spring! This is my favourite time of year. I love the freshness, and beautiful weather, but cool enough to layer. This time of year, I like to do a little spring cleaning in my home, in my business and on my website. I like to freshen up my Showit website every because it shows that I am continuing to create fresh content and am dedicated to helping my clients grow their businesses.

Here are 5 quick things you can do today to Freshen Up Your Showit Website:

→ Update your headshot

I love to update my brand photos every season so that they match the season we’re in. A photo in a flowery dress for spring, a floppy hat for summer, scarves & PSL for fall, toque & jacket for winter. Consider doing a brand shoot once a year and just make sure to bring different outfit options for all of your seasons.

→ Add a new blog post

Keeping your content fresh and up to date each season with new blog posts will not only help keep your site looking current it will also help with your SEO. Talk about how your last quarter went, or about new and exciting things coming up next.

→ Add a new Opt-In

I’m not telling you to update your branding colours every quarter. However, you can change up the colours on your website using your branding colours. Rotate the colors your use between your CTA button and the Headline, for example.

→ Update your portfolio

Don’t forget to update your portfolio with not only your most recent work but also the work you most want to shoot in the future. If you want to attract a particular type of client make sure to show that type of work on your website.

→ Update colours

A new opt-in will show new and returning website visitors that you are staying on top of creating fresh new content for them. Some ideas for new opt-ins: Posing guides, What to wear guides, How to use your photos in your home.

When you Freshen Up Your Showit Website you are showing clients that you are wanting to invest back into your business. It also shows that you are growing and continue to create content.

When is Freshen Up Your Showit Website not enough?

→ Your ideal client has changed

If your business has grown to a point that you are now serving a different type of client, freshening up your website may not be enough.

→ Your message is not clear

Looking at your website, if it doesn’t feel like it delivers a clear consistent message to your ideal client then it may be time to revisit your website content.

→ Your brand isn’t consistent

Picking whatever colours feel best that day. Fonts that are close enough to what they should be. No consistency across your social media and website. You may need to consider a Brand refresh or redesign.

Freshening Up Your Showit Website will only work if you already have a strong brand, a strategically built website and clear messaging for your ideal client.

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