Website Checklist: Before you launch

Are you a wedding photographer or a creative photographer looking to sprinkle a little more magic into your website to captivate more clients? If you’re nodding yes, then buckle up! Because today, I’m going to guide you through an epic journey from “DIY” to “Professionally Divine” – and trust me, the Pre-Launch Website Checklist is a game-changer for skyrocketing those bookings!

But before we embark on this adventure, let’s have a heart-to-heart. Picture this: you’ve poured your heart, soul, and countless hours into perfecting your website. It’s almost like prepping for the grand wedding day itself. You’re brimming with anticipation and, in a burst of excitement, you hit that launch button without the final once-over. Voila! The compliments start rolling in, praising the visual feast that is your website… but then – oops – a message pops in, “Your portfolio link is a no-show!” Yikes, right? Those little unchecked details can send your professional image into a tailspin!

That’s exactly why I’m tossing you a lifeline – my Before you Launch: Website Checklist“. It’s not just any checklist; it’s your secret weapon to ensure your site is as flawless as a bride on her big day.

🌟 The Scoop on the Website Checklist 🌟

This isn’t your run-of-the-mill checklist. It’s the culmination of all the usual suspects that tend to slip through the cracks when the excitement of launching a website takes over. It’s been my trusty sidekick through many successful launches, and it’s about to become yours, too.

💻 What’s Ticking Inside This Checklist 💻

We’re not just giving your site a cursory glance. Oh no, we’re diving deep into the nitty-gritty. From desktop dazzle to mobile mastery, from blogging brilliance to SEO savvy – this checklist has got it all covered.

🔍 Desktop and Mobile –

Check for responsiveness because your audience will be coming from every type of device imaginable. A responsive site is like a photographer who’s a whiz at both candid and posed shots – versatile and invaluable.

📝 Blog and SEO –

Your blog isn’t just about storytelling; it’s about being found. SEO is like the invitation to your site’s grand ball. If done right, it guides guests flawlessly to the festivities.

🕵️‍♀️ The Review Ritual 🕵️‍♀️

Now, you might be the DIY king or queen, but even monarchs need their court. So, grab a friend (or a loyal subject) to beta-test your site. Have them click, scroll, and explore every digital nook and cranny. Their mission? To uncover those pesky typos and dead-end links before they become party poopers at your launch celebration.

🤔 Lingering Questions? 🤔

If your head is buzzing with questions about this checklist, fear not! I’m here to clear the fog. Think of me as your friendly neighbourhood web wizard, ready to assist you on your journey to website perfection.

🎁 Grab Your Checklist Gift! 🎁

Ready to snag this treasure? Download your free Before you Launch: Website Checklist“. It’s the secret sauce for a smooth and stress-free website launch.

But wait, there’s more! If you feel that DIY has done its part and you’re ready for that sprinkle of professional pixie dust, I’ve got just the thing. Pop over to my Showit template customization page. Let’s join forces to transform your website from homemade to high-end, from casual to couture, from “just another site” to “just jaw-dropping!”

This isn’t just about making a website; it’s about crafting an experience that echoes the artistry of your photography. It’s about creating an online space that resonates with the dreams and desires of your prospective clients. Your website is your digital handshake, your online smile – it’s the beginning of a story you and your clients will write together.

So, dear photographers, let’s make every pixel of your website a promise of the memories you’ll capture and the stories you’ll tell. Download the checklist, reach out for a touch of customization magic, and let’s turn those visits into bookings. After all, isn’t it time your website was as picture-perfect as your photography?

Download the Pre-Launch Checklist Now and let’s make your website the masterpiece it deserves to be! 🌟


prelaunch website checklist

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