Showit Designer for modern entrepreneurs looking for a website that gets results

It’s time to retire that DIY website and level up.

When you’ve outgrown your website and brand, it becomes painfully clear.

We all eventually reach a point in our business where our website is no longer reflective of who we serve or what we offer. As your business evolves, your website needs to too.

And while every well-intentioned DIY-er has grand plans to get to it, redesigning your website often takes a backseat. 

Whether that’s in favor of client work, or because the project became too big of an undertaking to handle, I see it all the time.

But I’ve got you!
The overwhelm stops here.

Let me take it off your plate altogether, and I’ll design you a website that is visually stunning, perfectly you, and gets results. 

➢  More visibility online
➢  More inquiries from ideal clients
➢  More bookings of the work that you actually want to do

Results as in:

But don’t just take my word for it. Here’s what they’re saying:

Saw an increase in organic traffic by 50% a month after launching. ~ Diana

Says she’s now getting more of the work she loves doing. ~ Kelly

Received several hundred sign-ups to her book-launch wait list and booked 2 speaking gigs within the first few weeks of launching. ~ Valerie

Joanna takes what is in your head and the unspoken needs of your business and magically makes them come alive. ~ Meredith

I loved working with Joanna and she is so thorough, intuitive and personable. ~ Ashley

75% of consumers judge a company’s credibility based on its website design

The Signature Showit design option is for you if your business has outgrown your current website & brand. 

You’re not in the same place you were when you started your business, and as a result, your website is no longer reflective of who you are and what you offer. It’s no longer speaking to your people.   

If you have a defined offer and are ready for a professionally designed website that speaks to your current audience and converts, then The Signature is ideal for you.

The Signature goes well beyond simply swapping out colors and images in a template. I’ll use your template as a starting point, and customize it to fit your specific needs, creating a tailor-made site that attracts and books your most ideal clients. 

see what's included →

The Timeline: 2 Weeks

Average investment starts at $4500 (USD)


➢  Full Showit Template Customization of up to 8 pages (includes mobile + desktop design) 
➢  Website Strategy
➢  Comprehensive Brand Review - To determine if you'd benefit from a brand update 
➢  All of the technical things you don't want to deal with (SSL Certificate, Google Analytics, domain transfer)
➢  Blog Setup & Support with Migration
➢  Copywriting Blueprint - To help you write your website copy 
➢  SEO Kickstart Guide - A beginner’s guide to SEO 

When you want a fully customized design, in half the time.

service description →

The Signature

My 2-Week Process

How it works


Discovery Phase

Reach out to book your free discovery call where we’ll chat and make sure I’m a great match for your project. Then, once we take care of all the booking details, I’ll set you up in my project management tool and we’re off!


Kick-off Phase

Your project begins with a review of your current brand and website, and at that point, you’ll pick your start date. Then, if you don’t already have a Showit template, I’ll help you pick the right one for your needs. Next, we’ll meet for a kick-off call to strategize the direction of your site. Then you’ll gather all of your content (photos, copy, etc.) before the design phase begins. I’m available throughout this entire process to answer any questions that you have.


Design Phase

I’ll present the design of your Home page first, to ensure that you love the direction and we’re on the same page. Then from there I’ll complete the design of the rest of your site and share it with you!


Review & Revisions Phase

I want to be sure that you absolutely love your new site, so your project includes two rounds of revisions. You’ll also have the option to hop on a revision call to talk through anything that’s on your mind.



Time to celebrate! Your new site is LIVE and ready for all of the bookings you’re about to get!


Closing Call

Though Showit is known for its user-friendly factor, learning a brand-new platform is no walk in the park. I finish every project with a closing call where I teach you exactly how to use your new Showit site so that you can make changes on your own in the future.

In just two weeks, you will have a website that is as strategic as it is beautiful and one that represents you perfectly and sets you apart in a noisy market.

Brand Design

Looking for more?
Complete your package with these add-ons.

Brand Identity

The Add-On Suite

Establishing a visual brand identity allows you to attract your dream clients and stand out from your competitors. Together we’ll create visuals that tell your story and resonate with your audience. 

The Brand Design add-on is ideal for entrepreneurs who have been rolling with a DIY brand for a while and are ready to elevate their online presence. Combining strategy with style, we’ll create a cohesive and memorable look that not only sets the vibe for your new website, but also helps you remain visually consistent across all platforms.

see what's included →

The Timeline: 1 Week


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➢  Brand Audit & Strategy 
➢  Typography
➢  Color Palette
➢  Mood Board

Everything you need to tell your story, build trust, and magnetize your dream clients.

SEO for Showit

The Add-On Suite

SEO For Showit

The Timeline: 1 Week

A beautiful website is great, but how do you ensure people actually find it?? With SEO strategy! 

SEO (search engine optimization) allows you to reach folks online who are searching for what you offer. With this add-on, I’ll build the foundation for a strong SEO strategy so that your new gorgeous website gets the traffic that it deserves. Let me handle the technical side and stop trying to figure out the Google algorithm on your own.

see what's included →

The Investment: $1800 (USD)
$300 off when Added to The Signature design package

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➢  SEO Basics
➢  Keyword Research
➢  Competitive Analysis 
➢  Site Titles
➢  Meta Descriptions  

Already have a website and just looking for SEO expertise? We can do that! 


Website Copywriting

The Add-On Suite

see what's included →

Your website’s copy is a critical piece of the puzzle when it comes to designing a site that attracts and converts. It has to be compelling and strategically written in order to convince your audience to buy from you. 

The Website Copywriting add-on is a great way to get copy that does just this. You’ll work with a trusted professional copywriter who will help you establish your brand voice and then write strategic copy for your site that ensures readers are lining up to buy from you. 

The Timeline: 2 Week

the investment: Starting at $1800 (USD)

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➢  Brand Messaging + Brand Voice Guide
➢  Professional Website Copy for up to 5 pages
(For example: Home, About, Services, and 2 utility pages such as Contact, Blog, or Portfolio)

For entrepreneurs who want to leave this important step in the process to a pro.

SEO Success

"I am so glad I invested in working with Joanna so that I could get my website more Googlicious and convert more potential clients."

“I didn't know or understand what SEO was and was feeling overwhelmed by it all! Why weren't people finding my website? It's so pretty and nice... I thought! Well, that didn't matter when I didn't have good SEO. I am so glad I invested in working with Joanna so that I could get my website more Googlicious and convert more potential clients. I am someone who likes to understand what I am doing and Joanna always took the time to clearly explain why and what we were doing so I can have autonomy with my SEO down the line.”

- Jordana Glotman

Need just a few updates?

Even the greatest sites need a few tweaks now and then…

As your business grows and evolves, your website needs to grow with you. But a full overhaul isn’t always necessary - sometimes you just need a few edits here and there.

The Showit VIP Day is perfect for things like: 
➢ Adding new website pages
➢ Adding a shop or e-commerce section
➢ Modernizing the design 
➢ Updating your site with new branding
➢ And more! 

Stop struggling with the DIY route and hand these tasks over to a pro. We’ll get them done once and for all. 

And the best part?
It’s done in one day.

The Timeline: 3 OR 6 hours in one day

investment: 3-hours $1000 (USD) / 6-hours $1800 (USD)

service description →


➢  Choose between a 3 or 6-hour block of design time*
➢  Prior to your designated VIP day we’ll have a 30-minute call to review your site and desired edits
➢  Both full and half-day blocks include a comprehensive website audit with personalized suggestions on how to improve your site

*Past clients have the option to purchase design time by the hour, as part of a monthly retainer program! Inquire for more details. 

Spots are limited each month. Grab yours today!

service description →

For website updates and edits

Showit VIP Days



"I now have new branding and a new website design that can grow with my business for years!"

“Hiring Joanna was one of the best things I could do for my business. I was feeling overwhelmed and anxious about undertaking such a massive brand and website redesign. Joanna instantly showed me she understood my vision and what I was looking for in a redesign. Through the whole process I felt heard and understood. She was extremely responsive and took time to explain to me certain updates and features."

- Brianna McKoy

Before working with Joanna, I struggled with confidence. I needed to niche down and increase prices but was scared. Through her website process and business coaching, I gained confidence and clarity.

"I thought all I wanted a pretty website. I had no idea that I needed a complete business makeover. What I got was beyond what I dreamed of aesthetically and it produced clear direction for me and my business moving forward.

- Kelly Eskelsen Photography

My website today makes me swoon and I am incredibly proud of it. I used to cringe when people asked about my old one. Now I can't wait to show people! My business today feels more representative of me and my work. I am getting more work of the work I love doing. I have a clear understanding of where I am going and how to get there. I owe that to Joanna and her process.

This was the website I needed designed artfully in a way that walks my client through the purchasing journey.”

“Joanna takes what is in your head and the unspoken needs of your business and magically makes them come alive.

- Meredith Ryncarz

For entrepreneurs who are feeling less-than-satisfied in their business and seeking some guidance.

Whether you’re:
➢  Unsure of where you should be focusing your efforts and frustrated with your business’s slow growth
➢  Stuck in the comparison trap or struggling with imposter syndrome
➢  Wrestling with how to price and structure your offers to meet your financial goals
➢  Confused about which back-end systems or apps to use in your business
➢  A designer hoping to include SEO in your client projects 
Looking for a crash course in Showit 

1-Hour Pick-My-Brain Strategy Sessions

Looking for some guidance in your business?

I get it. I’ve been there. 
Now I want to help you see success in your business! 
Whatever success means to you. 

During this 1-Hour Strategy call, we’ll work through whatever is on your mind. Whether you need general business strategy, a systems overhaul, help defining your offers, website advice, or something else - we’ll dive in, cover all your questions and get you back on the road to success! Whatever that looks like to you. 




Why Choose Showit?

Drag and Drop

Superior Customer Service 

Endless Customization Options

The Showit platform is drag & drop and doesn’t require any coding. This makes it really easy for you to make updates to your site in the future as your business evolves! And don’t worry, I’ll teach you exactly how to use it when you work with me.

I’ve worked with every platform, and the Showit team is by far the friendliest and most supportive! They are always available to answer any questions that you have, even years after your site is launched.

The customization options on your Showit template are amazing! With my Signature package, we can play around with tons of options to make your template completely unique to you and your business. And, it will look as gorgeous too.

Even if the thought of learning Showit is still daunting to you - don’t worry! Each of my packages includes a thorough training on your new site so that you can understand the Showit basics and update your website on your own in the future if you need. 

Build your dream websites. Get your first month of Showit Free with Code "JOANNA".


Get your free month →


Have some questions?

I’ve got answers

Q: Is there a Showit Template that you’d recommend?

A: I absolutely love every template that Tonic offers. They are all beautifully designed and cover so many business types. In fact, you can use code JOANNA to get 15% off any of their templates!

Q: Can you help me pick out a Showit template?

A: Yes! During your kick-off call, we can discuss your business needs and pick out the template that will work best for you and is in your budget. Don’t let the wide range of options scare you off!

Q: Is the Showit template included in your service?

A: Yes and no. I have a collection of Showit templates that I’ve designed available for you to choose from at no charge. However, if you opt to go with another designer’s template then you will be purchasing that separately from them.

Q: When should I book my website project?

A: Projects are typically booked 2-3 months in advance. During the time leading up to your project start date, I will set you up in my project management system where you’ll have tasks to complete and calls to book before the designing begins. I have you use this time to gather everything we’ll need to make your website successful. And don’t worry, I’ll be available to you this whole time if any questions come up or you need help!

Q: Do you only work with Tonic Templates?

A: Nope! I love working with Showit templates of all kinds. So whether you’ve already purchased one or are in the market still, I can work with whatever you select!

Q: What if I purchased my template from another web designer, is that okay?

A: Absolutely! I am proud to work among many Showit designers, and am happy to work with any template you would like. 

Q: How long does the process take?

The Signature process takes just two weeks, and The Essentials is completed in one day! Whichever package you choose, we’ll have your website up and running very quickly.

If your website isn’t getting you the results that you want, and you can’t figure out why, you’re in the right place.

Let me use my extensive industry experience to design you a site that is as strategic as it is visually stunning.

Let’s design you a high-converting website today.