How to transfer your domain from Bluehost to Google Domains or GoDaddy

If you have a Showit website, you may have realized by now that Bluehost isn’t the best choice of domain registrar. In this article, we’ll dive into why it’s a good idea to move your domain away from Bluehost and how to transfer it to GoDaddy or Google.

If you’re using Showit to build your website, then you may be wondering if you should move your domain away from Bluehost. There are a few reasons why you might want to consider this, but the most important one is that Bluehost requires you to continue to pay for hosting even though your website is hosted with Showit.

Fortunately, transferring your domain from Bluehost to another provider like GoDaddy or Google is easy. In this article, we’ll show you how to do that. We’ll also give you some tips on choosing a new provider and explain why we think moving your domain is a good idea.

What is Showit?

Showit is a website builder (that hosts your website) and allows you to create a website without having to code. It is a drag-and-drop platform that is easy to use and doesn’t require any technical skills. Showit websites are also mobile responsive, which means they will look great on all devices.

Is Showit a hosting platform?

Yes, Showit is a hosting platform! I think it’s the best hosting platform for creatives and small businesses. Showit’s drag-and-drop platform makes it easy to create a beautiful website without knowing how to code. And their support team is top-notch, and always available to help you with any questions you may have. Grab 1 month free with Showit

Does Showit work with Bluehost?

Technically, yes. However, there are some complications that can occur when you have your URL (domain) with Bluehost when your website is with Showit.

In my experience working with several clients in this situation. Bluehost requires you to continue to pay for hosting even though your new website is being hosted by Showit. This means you are paying twice per hosting, once on Bluehost and once on Showit. This is not required by other registrar companies and therefor I recommend to clients transfer their domain away from Bluehost to another company such as Google Domains or GoDaddy.

Benefits of transferring your domain

1. You’ll have more control over your domain.

2. Your domain will be easier to manage.

3. You’ll be able to take advantage of GoDaddy’s or Google’s other services.

4. Your domain will be more secure with GoDaddy or Google.

How do I transfer my domain from Bluehost to Showit?

The first thing you’ll need to do is unlock your domain at Bluehost. To do this, log in to your Bluehost account and go to the “Domains” section. Then click on the “Manage Domains” tab and select the domain you want to transfer.

Once you’re on the “Manage Domains” page, click on the “Settings” tab and then scroll down to the “Domain Lock” section. Make sure it’s set to “Off” before proceeding.

Next, you’ll need to generate an authorization code from Bluehost. To do this, go back to the “Domains” section and click on the “+Transfer Domain” link. On the next page, enter your domain name and then scroll down to find the “Authorization Code” field. Copy this code for later use.

Now that you have your authorization code, it’s time to transfer your domain to GoDaddy or Google Domains (or another registrar). Log in to your account and navigate to their domain transfer page (GoDaddy’s is called “Transfer a Domain”, while Google’s is called “Import a Domain”). Enter your domain name and paste in the authorization code that you copied from Bluehost earlier.

At this point, both services will provide instructions for completing your transfer. Depending on which service you choose, these instructions may differ slightly. Generally speaking, though, they involve verifying contact information associated with your domain (such as an email address) and then paying the transfer fee (which is usually around $10).

* Please note that the transfer process can take 3-5 days, and during this time it’s best not to make any changes on your account in Bluehost or the new registrar.

Once you’ve completed the transfer process, your domain will be moved to the new registrar. You’ll now have access to their services and features, such as hosting and email. Be sure to update your DNS records so that your domain is directed to the right place. This is especially important if you’re switching hosts at the same time as transferring your domain.

How do I transfer your email from Bluehost to Google?

If you’re using Bluehost for your email services, you may be looking for a way to transfer your email to another provider. Google offers a variety of email services that can be used for personal or business accounts. In this article, we’ll show you how to transfer your email from Bluehost to Google.

There are a few things you’ll need to do before starting the transfer process:

1. Export your email messages from Bluehost. You can do this by logging into your account and accessing the Email Manager. From here, you’ll need to select the account you want to export and click on the Export button.

2. Create a new account with Google. You can do this by going to the Google Accounts page and clicking on the Create Account button.

3. Set up your new account with Google. Once you’ve created your account, you’ll need to set it up in order to use it with Gmail or another Google service. For more information on how to do this, please see our guide on How To Set Up A New Gmail Account .

4. Import your email messages into your new Google account . To do this, log into your Gmail account and click on the Settings gear icon. From here, select the Accounts and Import tab and click on the Import mail and contacts option. Enter your Bluehost login credentials when prompted and click on the Continue button. Your email messages will start importing into Gmail within a few minutes.

showit website

Showit websites are becoming increasingly popular as more and more people realize how easy it is to create a beautiful website without needing to learn how to code.
Moving your domain away from Bluehost and transferring it to a GoDaddy or Google account is the best way to ensure that you have full control over your website. The process is simple, straightforward and relatively quick. Once you have completed the transfer, you will be able to take advantage of all of the features that Showit offers without worrying about Bluehost’s limitations.

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