How to Change Your Website Preview on Facebook

Ever shared your website on Facebook only to realize the preview isn’t what you expected?

The title is wrong, the image doesn’t represent your brand, or the description is outdated. This can be frustrating, especially when you want to make a great first impression.

The good news is that you can easily change your website preview on Facebook by following a few simple steps. This tutorial will guide you through the process, ensuring your website preview looks perfect every time.

Why Your Website Preview Matters

Before diving into the steps, let’s briefly discuss why your website preview on Facebook is so important. When you share a link, Facebook automatically generates a preview that includes a title, image, and description. This preview acts as a first impression for your audience, and a well-crafted one can significantly boost your click-through rates. Conversely, a poorly presented preview can deter potential visitors.

Step 1: Changing Your Home Page Meta Title

The Meta Title is the headline that appears in search engine results and social media previews. It’s a crucial element for both SEO and user engagement. Here’s how to update it:

  1. Login to Your Showit Account.
  2. Navigate to the Page you want to edit.
  3. Click on the ‘SEO Settings’ in the right sidebar.
  4. Update the Meta Title field with your desired title. Make sure it’s concise, relevant, and includes your main keywords.

A well-crafted Meta Title should be clear and engaging. It’s often the first thing people see, so make sure it accurately represents your page’s content and entices users to click.


  • Old Title: “Home”
  • New Title: “Transformational Coaching with [Your Name] – Unlock Your Potential”

Step 2: Changing Your Website Photo

The website photo is the image that will show up when your site is shared on Facebook. This image is a visual representation of your brand, so it should be high-quality and relevant. Here’s how to change it:

  1. Go to the SEO Settings for the home page.
  2. Locate the ‘Image’ section.
  3. Upload a New Image that represents your brand well. Ensure the image is high quality and the right size (1200 x 630 pixels recommended).

A compelling image can capture your attention and make your post stand out in the crowded Facebook feed. It’s worth investing time in choosing or creating an image that best represents your brand’s identity and message.

Step 3: Changing Your Meta Description

The Meta Description is the brief summary that appears below the title in search results and social media previews. It’s your chance to provide a snapshot of what visitors can expect from your page. To update it:

  1. Navigate to the SEO Settings for the home page.
  2. Find the Meta Description field.
  3. Write a Compelling Description that includes your keywords and summarizes what visitors can expect.

Your Meta Description should be informative and engaging, encouraging users to click through to your site. It’s also an excellent opportunity to incorporate your primary keywords, which can help with SEO.


  • Old Description: “Welcome to our website.”
  • New Description: “Discover personalized coaching sessions that empower you to achieve your goals. Book a free consultation today!”

Step 4: Use the Facebook Debugger Tool to Update the Facebook Cache

Facebook caches the preview information for URLs shared on its platform. If you’ve made changes to your Meta Title, image, or description, you’ll need to update this cache to reflect the new information. Here’s how:

  1. Go to the Facebook Debugger Tool: Facebook Debugger
  2. Enter Your Website URL in the field provided and click ‘Debug’.
  3. Click on ‘Scrape Again’ to force Facebook to update its cache with your new information.

The Facebook Debugger Tool is a handy resource for ensuring your updated website details are reflected correctly. By scraping again, you prompt Facebook to pull the latest data from your website, so the preview aligns with your recent changes.

Tips for Optimizing Your Website Preview

While the steps above will help you change your website preview on Facebook, here are a few additional tips to ensure your preview is as effective as possible:

  1. Be Consistent with Your Branding: Ensure that your Meta Title, image, and description are consistent with your overall brand messaging and aesthetics. Consistency builds trust and recognition.
  2. Use High-Quality Images: Low-resolution or poorly cropped images can look unprofessional. Always use high-quality, properly sized images for the best visual impact.
  3. Keep Descriptions Concise and Engaging: Avoid long, convoluted descriptions. Keep it short, sweet, and to the point, while still being engaging and informative.
  4. Test Your Previews: Before sharing widely, test how your previews look by sharing links privately or using tools like the Facebook Debugger. This allows you to make adjustments before your audience sees them.

Changing your website preview on Facebook might seem like a small detail, but it can have a big impact on your online visibility and engagement. By taking the time to update your Meta Title, image, and description, and ensuring Facebook’s cache is refreshed, you can present a professional and compelling preview to your audience. Follow this step-by-step guide, and you’ll be well on your way to optimizing your website’s presence on social media.

If you have any other questions or need further assistance, I’m here to help! Book a Pick My Brain Call, and let’s make sure your online presence is as polished as it can be.

By following this guide, you’ll have full control over how your website is presented on Facebook, making your shares more professional and engaging. Happy optimizing!

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