Growth: Word for 2019

You may not like what I’m about to say.

I don’t like New Years Eve.

There is a lot of talk about refresh, renew, starting fresh, starting over for the new year; I know people like having a clean start makes them feel like the past is just washed away clean. You may not like what I’m about to say. I don’t want to clean slate, I don’t want to start over. I worked really hard to get to where I am right now!

Am I going to create new goals? You betcha!

Am I going to review my 2018 see what worked and where I can improve? You better believe it!

My plan is to grow and build on the foundation that I’ve worked so hard to create over the last several years. Let me explain for those that are more visual like me. When you’re building a house, you need to clear the land, dig a hold, build a foundation. You then you can start framing the house, build the house, install the plumbing and heating (I’m not a builder so I’m not sure if this is the right order of things but go with me). Then you put in your kitchen and bathroom, flooring and paint. Finally you can add your furniture and you move in. So let’s say, you started framing your house and then Jan 1 came around… are you going to tear everything down just because you didn’t finish before the end of the year. What about you are moved in and you want to start fresh, are you going to tear the place down and start again? No way!! That was a lot of work.

I don’t want to start over. I want to keep going!

You set new goals, new plans and you keep going. I’m not saying it’s not a good idea to reflect back and know the things that didn’t work and change them. We always have to adapt to the changing market, to the way our clients book. As a wedding photographer once my season is over I have to start fresh booking new clients for the next year, my clients come back for family sessions, but they are not recurring wedding clients (which is a good thing!).

You didn’t fail!

My point to this rant is that you don’t have to Start Over, turn the page in your notebook and keep going. Review your year passed, continue on with the goals you have set. Celebrate the ones you have achieved. Make new goals for the new year. You did not fail because you didn’t complete a goal last year, it just means it’s taking you a little longer than expected to complete your goal.

You’ve got this!

If you need a little help getting there, I’d love to chat more with you. I now offer one on one coaching through video chat. We can discuss your business plans goals for 2019. I can help you setup and get started if you’re newer to photography.  Website and portfolio review are great if you are thinking of enhancing your online presence. Another great way to start the year is improving your SEO to get your new booking goal started.

For more details please check out my coaching page >


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