Sometimes you just don’t know what you don’t know.

Struggling to understand why you’re not reaching your business goals?

Let’s discover your business blindspots so that you can grow a more profitable business.

No one ever told you being your own boss is hard.

Sure, the flexibility is great, but when things aren’t going as well as you want, there’s no one to turn to for help.

It doesn’t have to be that way.

I get it. 
I’ve been there. 
Now I want to help you see success in your business! 
Whatever that means to you.

➢  Confused about where you should focus your efforts in order to meet your goals
➢  Stuck in the comparison trap and frustrated with your business’s slow growth
➢  Crushed from hearing no after no from potential clients 
➢  Defeated because you’re not where you thought you would be

If you’re feeling:

Now offering:

Strategy sessions to give you the confidence you need to build your empire.

1-Hour Pick-My-Brain Strategy Sessions

Feeling stuck? Need some help getting past a hurdle in your business, website, branding or SEO? You’re not alone! Sometimes we are too close to our own business to recognize what isn’t working. 
During this strategy intensive we’ll get you unstuck from whatever you’re struggling with. You’ll leave with a clear understanding of where you’re going and how to get there. Together we’ll get you back on the road to success in your business.  

Whether you’re an entrepreneur looking for website guidance, or a designer looking for mentorship from someone who’s been at it a while, a strategy session will set you on the path to hitting your goals! 

The Investment: $450 (USD) 

We can cover anything including:

➢  Mindset struggles
➢  Your offer suite
➢  A website audit
➢  A brand audit
➢  Showit template edits 
➢  Imposter syndrome issues
➢  A new or existing offer and pricing review 
➢  SEO training for Designers 
➢  Edits to your Showit website 
➢  SEO Audit & Blogging for SEO training
➢  Showit 101 - A quick training on how to use Showit with the new website you just purchased

I loved working with Joanna during my coaching call! 

She was very insightful and she went in order of all of my concerns with my website and Google Analytics and answered them first. I was able to ask any questions I had and she even gave me some helpful suggestions on how to improve the homepage of my website. It was great knowing that I'm doing some things well, but also need to improve upon some things. I've got a great "to-do" list and will be able to make some positive changes to my website. Joanna was professional but I felt like I was talking to friend the entire time! Highly recommend!

~ Erin Worthington

Website Designer,
Former Wedding Photographer &
Business Strategist

Hey! I’m Joanna

I’ve been where you are. Wanting to build a profitable business that allows you to be creative and work with clients who see the value in your work and appreciate your talent. But yet still struggling for some reason that you can’t quite put your finger on. 

Sometimes you don’t know what you don’t know! 
Attracting your ideal client to your website is one thing. But actually creating offers with confidence that bring you profit, and building systems in your business that sustain your growth is another.

Together we can dive deep into your income goals and uncover what’s holding you back. We’ll get you hitting (and exceeding!) those goals. 

“Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together.”

~ Vincent Van Gogh

Ready to elevate your business?

Let’s partner together to build a business strategy that gets you the results you’re looking for.