5 Things to remember when choosing a Showit website template so you don’t overspend

From the Showit template store to Creative Market, Etsy and Google search results, there are hundreds of Showit website templates to pick from for your photography website. So how do you choose the right website template for your business, without losing your mind?

Start by taking this quiz: What is your website style? It will help you identify what kind of website theme you should be looking at. Light & Airy, Bold & Moody, Vibrant & Colourful for example. Once you know your website style you also keep in mind the following tips.

Adding your brand colours is easy

The Showit website platform makes it really easy to change the colours of your Showit website template. So if you fall in love with a template that is a completely different colour scheme from your branding, don’t worry! 

Changing the font will change the spacing

Just as easy as it is to add your branding colours to your Showit website template, you can add your brand fonts. Just keep in mind that changing the font of a template will change the spacing in the design. So it’s best to finalize your font before you start adding your website content. This will minimize the number of times you need to edit your design.

A lot of the website personality will come from your photos

Most of the branding and design feel of your Showit website template will come from the photos you add to the template. So don’t focus too much on the photos that the designer chose when creating the website, and focus more on how you think your photos will look in the design. If you shoot mostly in the landscape, don’t choose a template that showcases mostly photos in portrait orientation.

Changing the structure of the website is easy.

Create a wireframe for your Showit website template, and then adjust the website template to fit the wireframe. Check out this blog post I have written on the StoryBrand framework, for help with creating a solid wireframe for your website.

Don’t get stuck on the website theme

The main goal of a Showit website template is to give you a good foundation or “bones” for your website. Don’t get too hung up on the “look and feel” of the template because you can customize it to fit your brand. If you fall in love with a template that is for a wedding photographer however your business is newborn and maternity photography you can add pages and adjust the template to fit your business needs.

If you’re still feeling overwhelmed with picking out the right website template for your business working with a website designer may be a good option for you. I work with photographers that want to create an authentic and unique website to help them stand out in a crowded market. I work with them to pick out the best Showit website template for us to start with and then create a custom wireframe for their website. 

Picking out a template can be overwhelming for sure with the number of choices available on the market. The website style quiz can help you get clarity and point you in the right direction of the website template perfect for your business.

showit website template

Shop Tonic Website Templates

Tonic has my absolutely favorite templates in the game – their websites somehow combine killer strategy AND stunning, standout design. You're going to feel so confident in your new site!